An Instagram History of The RBG Action Figure
Today would have been RBG's 88th Birthday. To mark the occasion, we decided to put to together a people's history of sorts, documenting our unique relationship to her, as seen through the lens of social media.
As you'll see below, what starts as our story quickly becomes everyone's story. As the RBG phenomenon swept the country, we were just along for the ride with you, witnessing history - and a legend - in the making.
It started with a conversation. Which led to a sketch...
Which led to a sculpture...
By Spring of 2018, we knew the project was a go and we had already begun setting up a Kickstarter campaign for it.
We began teasing it out to test the waters.
We launched the Kickstarter campaign in June and it shot straight up to the #1 spot on their charts. Clearly, something special was happening.
While the Kickstarter campaign was still running, this happened.
Through a totally unpredictable twist of fate, RBG literally became the very first person to own an RBG Action Figure when a friend of ours had the opportunity to gift her a production sample at an event she was attending.
Her words, "I'm going to keep it on my mantle".
The Kickstarter campaign came to an end, with over 15,000 people backing the project.
By December, we'd fulfilled all of the Kickstarter orders and RBG Action Figures started showing up on store shelves all over the country.
Meanwhile, fan photos, like these started popping up as people got a hold of their figures. (These are just some of the very best ones... there are hundreds more like this!)
By the time the holidays com, RBG is showing up under Christmas trees.
These pics are everything for us. Remember, this is all happening right at the halfway point of Trump's presidency. People needed something to feel good about right then and RBG was that thing.
By now, the action figure was just part of the Zeitgeist and we see it popping up all over the place.
She even made an improbable appearance on the red carpet at the Oscars!
She protested.
She partied.
She worked.
And then, 2020 happened.
The pictures say it all. The figure unexpectedly took on a new role in helping people mourn.
The year is still young. We'll see what it has in store.
One thing that's clear already is that people are not forgetting about her and moving on. She has become a symbol for so much, to so many, and it seems like that will probably never change.
We were witnessing the birth of a legend over the last few years.
To this day, the RBG Action Figure continues to be our best-selling item.
Love this story. Thanks.
Judith Johnson on
RBG will always be a legend. To honor her, it would be great if you felt moved to donate a percentage of all her future sales to a cause she fought for in life…there are many to choose from.
Treeza Fernandez on
I love RGB and her feistiness! Always humble and still her strength came thru with her written words. Thank you RGB for all you have done for women. Thank you FCTRY for building a beautiful figure for us all. N💜
I have carried Ruth with me during my walks around my neighborhood here in Louisville and have photographed her in different places. And now have a small book with the photos. She’s such an inspiration.
Marcelle Gianelloni on
When it was time to vote, I pulled out my RBG and placed my mini McDonald’s donkey and elephant as a centerpiece. Loved and miss her wisdom and wit.
Dorothy Inks on
lu hileman on