Democracy in Action!
We've got to turn Tim Walz in an action figure and choices must be made.
Seriously. We want to get it right! The idea is to make the figure feel like Tim Walz. It's an art, not a science and these are the little details that make a big difference.
Ready to pitch in?
The picture you just sent of the doll looks more like John McCain than Tim Walz. Walz’s face if much rounder. The first pix you sent last month looked more like him IMO.
Robyn Stalk on
Am looking forward to adding Governor Walz to my collection !
Kelly on
I need Coach Walz now. Can I go ahead and order him along with the other 2 I want so I want so I get free shipping? I trust you will send it to me like you guys always do. :)
Ed on
Noble work, folks!
Dick Donovan on
When will Tim Walz be available?
Rolinda on
When will Tim be available?
Rolinda on