The Final Trump Dump

Our newer friends might not know this but, yes, there was a Trump Action Figure once. It's a long story.
The abbreviated version is that we made him - with removable hair and tiny little hands - for the 2016 election, thinking it would be a funny one-off that would disappear as soon as he lost to Hillary. You know how that turned out.
Following the election, we declared that we'd donate all profits from Trump's figure to the ACLU and we set about selling them off until they were all gone - never to be produced again.
We thought that was the end of it but, to our chagrin, while cleaning out the office last week, we discovered three last Trumps hiding away in an unmarked box. We'd pledged that we'd never sell them again, but...
There's nothing stopping us from giving them away! So that's what we're going to do. In a raffle.
Want one?
Here's how to enter:
1. Go to Instagram
2. Follow us (@fctry)
3. Comment #DUMPTRUMP on today's post
Click the link below to get started. We'll announce three winners on Instagram tomorrow.
Congrats to the 3 winners of our last 3 Trump Action Figures: @itsonlymemories, @billvaccaro, and @redpandamama!
Some of us found your site and figures long after you stopped making the Trump figure. We will never be able to complete our collection until you produce him again. If you bring him back you could use the amount you give to charity to benefit a worthy cause such as the environment effort. I do love your product.
Christopher Teader on
If you’re taking suggestions for new action figures…how about the great John Lewis? He would certainly rate the honor.
Dean X Hernandez on
Need more Trump Action Figures
Jacyci kraynek on
I have Trump. And Hillary. And limited edition pelosi. But the more you make the less valuable they are. How bout some more limited editions
David Scott on
I like a nemesis for my action figures. How else am I going to plot a good story line for their shenanigans? Not only that, but it keeps things neutral in office settings. I would love a Putin and really think you should create a “nemesis” line of action figures. Please???
Jen on
Mary Lee Marion on